We identify and focus on the issues that have the biggest impact on our business and matter most to our stakeholders.

Material issues include the economic, environmental and social risks that could affect our reputation and ability to create value over the short, medium and long term.

At Coca‑Cola HBC we aim to understand and address the issues with the highest impact to our business and our communities. We are always looking to improve our approach to identifying the most important of these risks and impacts, and report on our approach and progress against material issues transparently.

The materiality process provides insights to our business strategy and makes sure that our integrated and sustainability reporting is relevant.

How we identify and prioritise material issues

To identify the key issues for our business, we monitor external trends and how these affect our ability to grow our business sustainably over time.

We prioritise these issues based on their relative importance to our business and to society at large, mapping the most important ones annually in our materiality matrix.

Our systematic materiality assessment process helps us prioritise the issues in line with the Global Reporting Initiative G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.

How material an issue is to our business depends on how it relates to:

Learning from our stakeholders

Understanding the needs and interests of our stakeholders – including our partners, customers, suppliers and community members and employees – helps us to prioritise our material issues. This in turn helps us develop sustainable business strategies, enabling us to create value in the long term.

We actively seek out our stakeholders’ opinions and insights by:

Managing materiality

To ensure good governance, the Social Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Steering Committee, which consists of key subject matter experts and decision makers, regularly review our priorities in light of changing issues and expectations.

We review our material issues annually to make sure that we always reflect new insights from the business and our stakeholders.