Our products can be part of an active, healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Obesity has turned into a significant threat for health. It is primarily the result of energy imbalance. The most effective way to manage body weight is to balance the amount of energy (calories) consumed with the amount expended through physical activity and healthy living.

Within this context, The Coca‑Cola Company announced a series of commitments in 2013 that our global business system will seek to achieve by 2020. These cover

As part of our responsibility towards the health and wellness of our employees, we provide them with medical check-ups, gym memberships and the opportunity to take part in the company’s community sport and healthy living programmes.

We also take an active role in organising events for our employees to take part in and be active.

We give our employees the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities during the week like yoga, renting free bicycles during the weekends, football and being part of a running team. We also hold an annual family day, where we invite our employees and their families to come and take part in many activities for both adults and children.