If you're a customer of Coca-Cola HBC Kosovo market and have a question for us, we want to hear from you.


The info-line can help with information about:


How can I become a customer of CCHBC?

If you want to become our customer the necessary information about the terms of the Contract can be obtained from the commercials that covers the terrain where the facility is located. The number of commercial phones you can get by calling the info line: +383 38 540 690

If you require price lists of our products, you can get them from your salespersons, at the info line at the phone number : +383 38 540 690

The goods can be ordered only customers who have signed a Cooperation Agreement.

Goods may be obtained in three ways:

through commercials that is in charge of ground on which the customer is located
by calling the info line number:+383 38 540 690

Coca‑Cola Hellenic is one of the few companies that have Tocilica offered. Due to high demand and the specifics of the product itself please call +383 38 540 690 where you can obtain further information.

For refrigerated cabinets, awnings, umbrellas and tables, chairs, glasses and other promo material you can contact your sales representative directly.

If a fault occurs in the meat freezer applying it to your sales representative or phone info line:+383 38 540 690

How to file a complaint on the quality of products / supplier

For eventual breakage during loading corresponds to the person who performs the unloading. In the case of complaints on the quality of the package is necessary to stop a discharge to the documented status of packages and execute unloading in the safest possible way.

If during the reception or unpacking of goods on the eve of any defect, a driver is already gone, you can log on to the phone number info line: : +383 38 540 690 in which you specify: customer password, the number of dispatches, lack the goods and contact. If you are able, you can send photos of the goods to which you have a complaint.

Also, if there is a complaint about the work of the driver during the unloading of the goods you can contact us at the above phone number info line.

Bill of lading is a document that the customer fills in when receiving goods and their signature and seal confirms that he agrees with the delivery.

If any of the items missing from the delivery or the customer returns, to be entered in addition to the product on the delivery note in the column “returned”. It just so full delivery is acceptable in the case of complaints and corrections invoices.

All other documents to be filled in during the transfer can be completed (customer record, driver’s log and the like …) but it is necessary to enter any corrections bill of lading.

Despatch consists of 4 copies. To be completed by the first (red) a copy while all the others below it in order to map out the state of all instances. In the case of error, it is necessary to seal certified corrections.

Balance in all copies of lading must be the same.

The third copy (green) remains the buyer, other instances of the driver takes the first two (red and blue) returned to Coca‑Cola in a fourth (black) reserves for itself as proof of delivery. Billing is done on the basis of the first and second (red and blue) copies, so it is essential to be properly completed with all the differences.

There are two ways of payment: prepayment and deferred.

When advance payment is required to pay the money in advance the amount for which the goods requisition. On that occasion, as the reference number on the payment slip is entered: 111111 and code of the customer.

For deferred payments, credit buyers under the contract have certain credit days, and as a call to the number entered account number / invoice to which the payment relates.

Coca‑Cola is a company with great effort to preserve the environment and accordingly recycle used cans and palate cannot I sell barrels and palate.

Refrigeration equipment, umbrellas and other promotional material Coca-Cola is not commercially available and it is not possible to buy. Customer equipment can only be obtained by signing the setting equipment.