Our focus on sustainable and responsible sourcing is all about delivering excellent results.

Sustainable and responsible sourcing is a priority for our business. For us, it’s about delivering excellent results. For two consecutive years, we have received the maximum industry score against the raw material sourcing indicator of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index assessment. Sustainable sugar sourcing and expanded risk assessment played a vital role in this achievement.

Selecting our suppliers

To select our suppliers, we have developed rigorous pre-assessment criteria. We use a robust audit process, risk assessment and SEDEX, the supplier ethical data exchange; take part in Ecovadis, the supplier sustainability ratings provider, and check whether potential suppliers hold ISO 9001, 14001, FSSC 22000 and OHSAS 18001 certification. In addition, for agricultural commodities, we refer to standards from the Rain Forest Alliance, Fair Trade, Bon Sucro, SAI Platform and the Forest Stewardship Council.

“We are committed to achieving a 100 percent sustainable supply chain and to reduce our supply chain impacts by 2020.”

Our sustainable supply value creation initiatives with our supply partners are critical in supporting our long-term goals.

We also require all our suppliers to follow the ethical standards, employment, environmental and work safety practices set out in our Supplier Guiding Principles. Agricultural suppliers must meet our Sustainable Agriculture Guiding Principles, while ingredient and primary packaging suppliers are required to comply with food safety standards.